Tour de Force is a charming feature-length documentary
that follows Luxembourg strongman Georges Christen bending, towing
and twisting his way through Russia.
Tour de Force est un documentaire
charmant qui suit Georges Christen, lHomme le plus Fort
du Monde, lors de sa récente tournée de spectacles
en Russie.

a film by
Antoine PRUM and Boris KREMER
featuring: Georges CHRISTEN & Andreï
speaker: Evgueni KOCHERGIN
camera: Mikhaïl NIKITINE, Terry WINN
sound: Pavel LAPCHINE
light: Sergueï PETROV
editing: Milos HLAVAC
music: Willi TOKAREV, Andreï VOLFSON
executive production: Andreï TRETIAKOV
producer: Paul THILTGES
Documentary, 80 minutes, colour,
35mm Dolby SRD, original version Russian/French
subtitles available: French or English
Stills from the film /
photos fu film
Film poster / affiche du film
Theatrical trailer / bande-annonce
Teaser TV (RTL Luxembourg)
Synopsis (EPK)
Article du quotidien
Tageblatt Artikel
Links / Liens:
PT Distributions
Intern'l Film Festival
Film Festival
DVD pre-order / commande DVD